Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Movie by God

This weekend the kids and I went to help my parents move into their new house (they are finally in and the house is amazing - Yea!!!). The kids had a great time exploring while I helped move and unpack boxes.

Part of our night time ritual is that the kids get to watch 10-20 minutes of a movie before going to bed. On Saturday night both kids were exhausted and went straight to bed after dinner forgetting to watch a movie. The next morning Beckham woke up and told me, "Mom, we forgot to watch a movie last night but that's OK. I watched the stars twinkle. The sky was full of them and they were so pretty. God made a great movie (referring to the twinkling stars)." Beckham has the sweetest heart and he melted my heart as he told it to me. I have to admit he was right the stars are amazing there. In one room the bed is right under the window so when you look up all you see is stars. They are so bright, beautiful and you can see 1000s of them. The first night I was thinking the same thing Beckham was - What an amazing God we have.


Megan Kuemmerlin said...

awww...from the mouths of the babes. I can't wait to sleep in that room!

Megan Kuemmerlin said...

tell Beckham God put on a great show Sat. night.

JulieMonte said...

Isn't that room awesome?! An amazing sight from the pillow of the bed - Right? We might all fight over that room instead of the one down stairs - though it probably has a great view too.