Now that football season has started our TV seems to be on a little more especially on the weekends. Monte and I were watching a game while the kids were playing. All of the sudden we heard Beckham laughing hysterically saying "look at Ainsley! look at Ainsley!" Monte and I both jumped up not knowing what to expect. Beckham runs to the front hall pointing to the cabinet saying "look!" Ainsley had managed to cram herself into the cabinet. She was happily playing with the cards she had brought in with her. the cabinet is not very big and Monte and I wondered how it could be comfortable to sit in. She even wanted us to close the doors and go away so she could contnue playing. After capturing it on film we told her it wasn't a place to play and we pried her out. I guess we learned that if we want to watch football and let the kids play on their own we can't get upset if they cause a little trouble!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Fall Festivals
One of my favorite things to do in the fall is go to festivals (aside from watching football). This weekend we didn't have any plans so I looked online and found an Apple Festival less than an hour away. It was a cool day (cool in comparison to what it has been - it was in the mid 80s) we thought it would be fun. When we got there we couldn't believe how big it was. There were food vendors selling everything from fresh fruits & veggies to fried apple pies and funnel cake. There was a lot to do but nothing could compare to people watching. I love to watch people and in the south I have found it to be even more entertaining. It was a great family outing and the kids loved their apple cider in apple shaped cups and loved the cotton candy even more.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Like mother like daughter
Recipe of the week - Saucy BBQ Sloppy Joes
I don't know what got into me this week but I tried 3 new recipes. I got the Food and Family Magazine Kraft sends out every quarter (If you don't get it you should - it's free. All you have to do is register for it online.) I typically flag a bunch of recipes to try and then never get around to trying them. Since school has started and I am teaching swim lessons again I decided it was time to get organized and plan out meals for the week. While planning I picked 3 new recipes to try. They were all good and the kids ate all of them (that doesn't always happen). I'll probably post the other 2 another time but this was Beckham's favorite.
Saucy BBQ Sloppy Joes
prep: 5 min Total:20 Min (You gotta love a meal you can make in less than 30 min)
1lb ground beef
1 each green pepper and onion finely chopped
1/2 c BBQ sauce
1/2 c water
4 oz Velveeta cheese cut into cubes
4 hamburger buns
Brown meat, drain, add chopped peppers and onions cook 5 min, stir in BBQ sauce, water, and Velveeta cook 2 min until Velveeta is melted and mixture is well blended. Serve on buns.
Since I teach at night I need something fast when we get home. I made the mixture ahead of time and just warmed it up when I got home. the magazine also said this is a good meal to freeze and warm up later. If you make it let me know how it turns out.
Saucy BBQ Sloppy Joes
prep: 5 min Total:20 Min (You gotta love a meal you can make in less than 30 min)
1lb ground beef
1 each green pepper and onion finely chopped
1/2 c BBQ sauce
1/2 c water
4 oz Velveeta cheese cut into cubes
4 hamburger buns
Brown meat, drain, add chopped peppers and onions cook 5 min, stir in BBQ sauce, water, and Velveeta cook 2 min until Velveeta is melted and mixture is well blended. Serve on buns.
Since I teach at night I need something fast when we get home. I made the mixture ahead of time and just warmed it up when I got home. the magazine also said this is a good meal to freeze and warm up later. If you make it let me know how it turns out.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Fall is in the air
Well, not really temperature wise (it has been 90+ degrees 43 out of 45 days with no rain) but it is in the air because football season has started. We like to think the season started yesterday so we can forget that the first week ever happened. Monte and I were able to go to the Clemson/FSU game but left disappointed. If any of you saw the game the first half was miserable to watch - being in the middle of all the cheering Clemson fans was even worse. The second half was better. I don't think it could have been worse - FSU only had one first down in the first half. It ended up being a pretty close game coming down to the last play but FSU didn't pull through. Monte and I both agree it was much better watching games when we were good and used to blow our opponents out of the water. Back then you could sit back and enjoy the game. Now it is nerve wrecking and frustrating. We did have a good time and are thankful we got to go. There is something about watching college football live! This weekend wasn't much better but at least FSU won. We are excited the football season has started but are worried the season will turn out like last year. On Friday night we took the kids to the local High School game and they were both clapping and cheering the Yellow Jackets on while eating their popcorn and skittles (their favorite part of the game). So even though it doesn't feel like fall you know it's here because football season has officially started. Go NOLES!
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