Many of you know I tend to have a sweet tooth and love candy. Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree with Ainsley and her love for candy. The other night Beckham had eaten all of his dinner and was ready for dessert. Just mentioning the word dessert made Ainsley perk up. She pushed her plate away and said, I finished - Candy!! We told her no you have to eat a little more meat first. She didn't like that answer and proceeded to cry and get down from the table. Ainsley ran over to the pantry and held onto the door handles.

She kept trying to get it open while crying and saying - candy, candy, candy. In the end she stopped crying, ate some meat and got her candy. Monte and I couldn't help but snicker while she was balling at the pantry trying so hard to get it open to get candy. It reminded me of how I probably was as a kid. The pictures don't do the story justice because I had a hard time getting her face to show her true emotion. But it helps you visualize her trying so hard to open the doors.
That's hilarious! :) I love that you took pictures!
I'm glad you got the camera out...I would have done the same!
I couldn't resist b/c it was so funny. The only problem was she was not in the mood to corperate. I kept asking her to look at me but her cries just got louder. I guess she knew we were mocking her by taking her picture.
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