As you can imagine Halloween was a hit at our house. Both kids got into it this year. Ainsley was a riot. She would push her way to the front of the group making sure she got first dibs on the candy as it was passed out. At one house she held both hands out reaching for the bowl of candy. The man asked - Do you want the whole bowl? Her response - YES!! It was fun to see the kids enjoying themselves as they walked house to house gathering candy. Ainsley was determined to do it all on her own and refused help fro anyone. By the end of the street she was dragging her bag but didn't want to stop. Beckham was so sweet at one house the lady opened the door with a sleeping baby in her hands he whispered "trick or treat" followed by a soft "thank you". Making sure not to wake the baby. Beckham was a cowboy and Ainsley was a ladybug. I think Beckham's costume was inspired by school because they had been studying the Wild West. When he said he wanted to be a cowboy I was delighted knowing it wouldn't be hard to put that costume together. We trick or treated in shifts. I took both kids to the houses on our street with our neighbor's kids while Monte passed out candy. then we came home ate dinner and Monte took Beckham out while Ainsley and I passed out candy. It seemed to work out well and it gave both of us an opportunity to see the kids trick or treat.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
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They are so stinkin' cute! Ainsley, "pushing her way to the front to get first dibs," where did she come from? Couldn't be Scott genes!? lol
I wish I was there!! They are too cute. I can totally picture Beckham whispering, he is so thoughtful. And Ainsley...she is definently a Scott!
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