Lastly she finally got her first haircut. Many of you know that Ainsley was our little baldie. She was bald until she was 2. Since she never had any I was letting it grow but it finally got to the point of looking almost mullet like so I took her in. I didn't know how it would go but she did great. She was very happy they didn't use the "machine" also known as clippers. Because according to her "that's scary". So our little girl is growing up and she is loving every minute of it.

Monday, July 14, 2008
Growing up
The day has finally come - Ainsley got her first hair cut. In the past month my little girl has grown up right before my eyes. It has been a month of monumental events for her. First, she got rid of her paci. We sent it to the paci fairy for another baby to have. In exchange for the paci the "paci fairy" left a white dog that fits in a little pink purse (not a real dog for those of you wondering). Ainsley decided to name the dog "Monkey" - don't ask me why. Her next big step was Potty training. Which went better than I expected. She is definitely strong willed but after a day or two she realized we weren't giving up so she might as well give in and get as many starburst as she could. It's still a work in progress but after the first accident (2 minutes into the training) she has only had one accident at nap time.
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awwww... I want to see a picture of the finished product!! :)
she is so cute. look at that hair! good thing you got it cut or she could have fit right in at the picken's flea market. :)
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