Thursday, December 4, 2008


We had a wonderful time over Thanksgiving. There is so much to be thankful for I don't know where to begin. Our family has truly been blessed. One thing we are thankful for is living close to family. When we were in Texas we felt a little isolated. Don't get me wrong we LOVED Austin and hope to move back someday but right now we are where we are supposed to be. Not only are we close to my family but Monte's family is in driving distance too. Over Thanksgiving my whole family got together. I can't remember the last time my whole family was together on Thanksgiving - probably not since Adam graduated from the Naval Academy.

Anyways, we had a great time catching up and enjoying mom's great food. Mom is a great cook and you can always count on gaining a few pounds. (we were there less than 24 hours and she had already gotten out 4 different kinds of homemade cookies - Yumm.) The kids had a ball playing and getting to know their cousins a little better. Everyone made sacrifices to make Thanksgiving happen. We are thankful that Adam's family, Amy, David and Katie all braved the traffic and drove down from the DC area. (We're also thankful that Meggo made the long trip upstairs). And mom and dad for opening their home and mom for cooking and doing 11 loads of laundry after we left. We really have enjoyed being able to spend time at "His Way Inn". And are so thankful for the time we spend there. It is always so relaxing and fun.

Here we are:

Amazingly we were able to take a family picture and no one cried! That is a rare occurrence for our family. Every year while taking the Christmas card picture one of us would end up crying (usually me since I hate getting my picture taken and mom and dad would take 3 rolls of film just to get 1 good shot of all 5 of us)

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