...Beckham entered the world and joined our family. I can't believe it has been five years. What a joy these years have been. Beckham is such a wonderful son. God has truly blessed us with a compassionate fun loving son. He is my "helper boy" - always willing to help. Every time I get the bucket out that has the bathroom cleaning supplies Beckham asks if he can help. (I'm hoping this enthusiasm last when he is a teen). He is so loving with us and with his little sister. Just the other week I over heard him trying to help teach his sister how to use the potty.

Which is a story in itself because I heard - Ains, it's easy you just pull down your pants and stand in front of the potty. I quickly stepped into the bathroom and explained - thanks for helping beckham but I think mommy will have to teach her because girls don't stand up to go potty. He is such a happy kid and is always bouncing and skipping around the house with a huge smile on his face. We are so glad God blessed our family with such a caring, loving boy.

Awwww he is growing so fast! Happy Birthday Beckham!! I love you! ~Aunt Megan
Beckham, you're getting sooo big! I can't believe you're five! I hope you had fun w/ grammy keeks and poppy on your birthday! I love you!! - Auntie Katie
pictures are up... :) see you guys soon!
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