Monday, August 27, 2007

Praying for Rain

Many of you know that it has been a hot dry summer for us in Charlotte. It hasn't rain for a while (I don't count the day it rained for less than 2 minutes). We have mandatory water restrictions and can't water our lawn except on Wed and Sat. Cops in our town don't have much to do so they have also been the "water police" giving warnings and writing $120 tickets for those that water on the wrong day. (After the first ticket it goes up to $240 then $400 - guess they are serious making you stick to your watering day). Anyway, we were driving in the car and Beckham and I had the following conversation:

Beckham - mom it's going to rain b/c I prayed to my heart for it to rain
Me - You mean you prayed to God for it to rain?
Beckham - yeah, to my heart. That is where Jesus is so I prayed to my heart.

I thought it was the cutest explanation and had to blog about it. The funny thing is last week we were talking about how God is omnipresent meaning he is everywhere. I guess he hasn't fully grasped that concept - but he can say the word!!

Incase you are wondering - it did rain that night. Not enough to wet the ground. It evaporated right away.


Katie said...

That is awesome! So stinkin cute!!!!!!!

Megan Kuemmerlin said...

Couldn't have said it better myself! I bet that melted your heart, being his best friend and all ;)