Tuesday, February 26, 2008

David and Goliath

This morning when I was talking to the kids about David and Goliath I realized that lessons don't always come out like you plan. I was telling the kids about the story and Beckham asked why David killed Goliath. I went on to explain that Philistines and the Israelites were at war and that is what happens in war. The next question was why were they at war? I told them that the Philistines and the Israelites didn't like each other so they were fighting. Ainsley then chimed in by saying - I think Goliath needed a time out because fighting is bad. I tried to refocus them on the lesson about how God can do anything. He used David (who was small) and a little stone to kill a huge giant. We need to ask God and believe when we need help. Unfortunately all they could focus on was how fighting is bad and Goliath needed a time out. Though that was not the concept I had wanted them to get from it at least they learned something. Maybe next time they fight I'll put them in time out like Goliath should have had.

1 comment:

Megan Kuemmerlin said...

haha...that is so cute! At least they know fighting/killing isn't the answer. That is a good base to start with :)