Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 things

I've been tagged - Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

1. I have become addicted to working out
2. I love to feel sore the day after I work out. When I don't, I feel like I didn't work hard enough. I know that sounds twisted.
3. I don't like to drink calories. I pretty much only drink water (except for my morning coffee). If I am going to consume calories I want it to be through food.
4. I love food.
5. I love candy more than food.
6. If it has butter and sugar in it I'll probably like it (I'm a Scott)
7. I like all the lines to go the same way when I vacuum
8. I hate clutter
9. Patti Griffin is one of my favorite singers
10. I typically always drink out of a straw. I don't like drinking straight from a cup.
11. I prefer drinking out of a plastic cup instead of a glass one.
12. I drink my coffee black (see #3)
13. My new favorite adult beverage is Firefly which is a Sweet Tea vodka. I don't drink it much because of #3.
14. I love the feeling of sun on my body.
15. I still teach swim lessons
16. I love to travel especially internationally but we haven't been able to since having kids. Maybe someday.
17. I think one of the most important things about a church (aside from preaching the Word) is having Small Groups (Bible Studies to hold one another accountable).
18. I love to find a bargain and have gotten into couponing.
19. I am the worlds slowest reader.
20. I have found it crucial to spend time in God's Word Daily. The day just isn't the same if I'm not in the Word.
21. My bed has to be made. I can't stand it when the bed is a mess.
22. Don't like it when the sponge is left wet in the sink.
23. Two of my favorite restaurants are in Austin - Chuy's and Rudy's. Tex Mex and BBQ - Yumm (see #4)
24. I enjoy spending time with the fam. Wish everyone lived closer.
25. I hate when the kids just throw their jackets and shoes in a pile in the laundry room (mom now I see why this used to drive you crazy).

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