Friday, January 2, 2009

Writers blues

For the past few weeks I have not really been in a writing mood - hence the reason I haven't made a blog entry in awhile. I did write one on Jan 2nd but for some reason there was a glitch and it never posted and I lost it. It's not like there hasn't been much to blog about in the Watkins house. We have been very busy the past few weeks with Christmas, New years and the many other events. Maybe that's why I haven't been in the mood to write. By the time the kids are in bed I don't want to use my brain to write something profound or funny. Writing a blog entry does cross my mind every night but then I find something more enticing to do. I know it's the same old story - I'm going to try to be better about blogging but I honestly will try and make a better effort to at least make one post a week. That's not asking too much of myself right? So, if I fall off the Blog wagon and don't post something for a few weeks feel free to call me out. I probably just need some encouragement to get back to using my brain after the kids are in bed.

Now I just have to get myself to write our New Year's letter. I gave up writing Christmas letters because they always went out after Christmas. I figured I would take the pressure off myself and not add something else to my holiday plate of tasks to do. Well, I don't know if that was such a great idea because now that I give myself to New Years I put it off even longer. It's Jan 8th and I haven't written the letter (I have the pictures ready to send). Maybe I should make them Valentines cards that would give me until February. I'm hoping this blog entry will inspire me to start writing the New years Letter.

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