Last weekend we celebrated Beckham's 4th birthday. This is the fi
rst year he has fully understood birthdays. For months he has been asking about when his birthday is going to be. We told him his is after Ainsley's. Right after Ainsley finished her cake and opened her gifts he said, Ainsley's birthday is over it's my birthday now. We told him he had to wait a few more weeks. Beckham really got an extended birthday celebration this year. It started when my mom came to visit the week before his birthday. we got cupcakes and he opened the gifts from her and Poppy. Then at school on Monday he brought in cupcakes for the class because his official birthday was on the last day of school and his teachers wanted him to have a special day. On his real birthday we took him to Chuck E. Cheese which he loved. Saturday was his birthday party. He had a few friends from school and the neighborhood at his Cars movie themed party at the park. Lastly the
Watkins are in town this weekend and they brought gifts for him too. it seems like his birthday is never ending - which he wouldn't mind. It's hard to believe he is already 4. It seems like just the other day we were bring home out little (well, not so little he was 10 lbs 13 oz). He is such a delight we have truly been blessed. He is so kind hearted and is very laid back. It is so much fun to see him develop in all aspects of life.
Friday, May 25, 2007
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