Friday, May 4, 2007

Happiest kid on the team

Beckham took his first stab at organized sports this spring. He played soccer at the local YMCA. I don't know if he fully grasped all the concepts but he had a ball. If you haven't seen Beckham run you might not fully appreciate this story. Beckham seems to have a "happy"gate when he runs. (I call it prancing but Monte doesn't like that term - it's more of a gallop in his opinion). As the other "soccer moms" (I can't believe I am a soccer mom) and I sat watching they we would all comment on how Beckham looked like the happiest kid out there. He ran/galloped up and down the field happy as could be. He didn't care if he kicked the ball or not he just enjoyed being out there. There were 3 other boys from his class on his team and all of them were much more competitive than Beckham. I began to wonder if Beckham was switched at birth because most of you know how competitive us Scotts are. I recall one time my sisters and I had a contest to see who could slice a loaf of bread faster. If that isn't competitive I don't know what is. At one point in a scrimmage I looked to see what Beckham was doing (he was the goalie at the time) and he was picking up dirt and putting it on his face. If you haven't seen 3-4 year olds soccer game it's pretty funny. All of the kids run in a cluster trying to kick the ball. Every now and then a kid will get frustrated pick up the ball and move it to open space so he can kick it. I loved seeing Beckham run around outside enjoying the sport and having a good time with his friends. He liked soccer but liked it even more when he got a trophy at the end of the season. He was definitely the happiest kid out there.

1 comment:

Katie said...

His form looks good there! Low athletic stance... Left foot in good position.... the makings of a NEW Beckham! Pretty soon the question will be, David Beckham who??? :) And if not, oh well... he still looks cute and like you said, he's the happiest kid out there! lol!