Last night we took the kids to a Japanese steak house. Both kids loved it (though they were hesitant at first). Once
Beckham saw all the tricks the cook could do with fire he became captivated. Ainsley and
Beckham are still talking about how the cook put fire in his hat. I don't exactly know how he did it but he flipped a bowl up into his hat and there were flames coming out of his hat.
Beckham's first comment was, that's dangerous the Danger Rangers would like that (Danger Rangers is a
safety show he watches on PBS). Then he said, that's cool. We made sure he knew that it is OK for the cook to play with fire but he can't. The other funny thing that happened was when we ordered
Beckham said he wanted chicken with butter on it (you can tell he has Scott blood in him). We didn't really know what he was talking about so we ordered chicken for him and thought maybe he thought the sauce you dip it in was butter. Guess what the cook put on the chicken when he cooked it? Yep, butter!
Beckham had remembered that from when we went to a Japanese steak house for Aunt Megan's graduation a year ago. I only wish I had that kind of memory. We had a lot of fun last night and it made an impression on the kids because they keep talking about the man with fire in his hat.
Let me guess, the Japanese Steakhouse was Megan's idea?! :) lol.
I'm surprised Beckham didn't love the white sauce...I guess that is the Watkin side of him that doesn't like it :)
He loved the white sauce but he also loves that they put a big pat (well, scoop) of butter on the chicken when it cooks. Our kids will eat anything they can put dip on. Ainsley kept wanting me to dip my fork int he sauce before I scooped up rice for her.
KT surprisingly it was Monte's idea. Meggo isn't here yet. After we ate there we thought we should've waited for meggo.
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