If you have seen the movie Parenthood with Steve Martin you might be able to relate to this picture. Ainsley has a fascination with putting this bucket on her head and running around the house. In the movie the little boy would put the bucket on his head and run into walls. Ainsley has doesn't run into walls but she gets the drum sticks from our play drum set and bangs on the bucket while it is on her head. It is the funniest hing to watch and she thinks it is a riot. Luckily I was able to video record it so I can show it to her when she gets older. Even funnier is Beckham used to put this same bucket on his head (he didn't use drum sticks he would just run around the house with the bucket on his head).
I can't find the picture with the bucket on his head but found one with a bowl on his head.
1 comment:
awww look at baby Beckham...I forgot he was ever that small!
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