Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Soccer camp

Beckham started soccer camp yesterday. He has been looking forward to it for a few weeks but not for reasons you would think. He was a little disappointed when we got there because he asked - "Mom, where are the tents? This isn't soccer camp." I guess I didn't manage his expectations very well because he thought soccer camp was real camping plus you play soccer. He quickly got over it when he saw one of his friends but I realized that kids expectations and understandings aren't always the same as adults. As Audults we have had many more life experiences to help us figure things out. So when we get frustrated as parents we need to realize maybe there is a misunderstanding and we need to take time out and clarify things.


Katie said...

That's hilarious... makes sense. Why wouldn't there be tents at soccer CAMP!?

Megan Kuemmerlin said...

haha too cute...