Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Personal Policies

50 Toes has tagged me for a Personal Policies meme. They want to know my personal policies - not moral rules, like "Do Not Kill," I'm talking about the silly policies we impose on ourselves, like "Never eat anything you can't identify," or "Don't step on sidewalk cracks." Beth Moore talked about these when she came to NC this Spring. She called them "DLAMB - Don't Laugh at me but...." and people were supposed to think or a funny quirk. At first I couldn't think of any but then I couldn't stop.

1. I hate being late. If I am going to be late I would rather not go. Funny thing is I hate being too early.
2. When I vacuum all the lines have to go the same way
3. I hate when doors, drawers, and cabinets doors are left open
4. bed has to be made right after getting out of bed
5. I can't stand clutter. We have a rule if you bring something new into the house you have to get rid of something else.
6. Counter tops have to be clean from food, finger prints and clutter
7. I have to sleep on the right side of the bed (if you are looking at the bed from the foot of the bed)
8. I hate when food is left in the sink (not rinsed down after the dishes are done) or when the rag is left soaking wet in the sink.
9. I like to drink out of a straw and I perfer plastic cups over glass
10. I have to strat my day with a cup of Joe (I don't have to but I like to)

I could go on and on but those are my top 10. One of Ainsley's is she has to sleep with 2 pacies and Beckham has to have water at bedtime. Feel free to post any of your personal polies in the comments - it will help me feel normal.


Amanda said...

This is so funny that you made this list b/c I was just talking to a friend of mine about how many things like this I have. You are not alone.

1. No food on a bone- under any circumstances.
2. I dont share dairy products at any time with anyone for any reason.
3. I am deathly afraid of zoos.
4. I always have the volume on the stero in my car on an incriment of 5... always.
5. I have to have 2 straws, unless theyre the thick ones, then one is enough.
6. Classical music is the quickest way to send me into a severe panic attack.
7. Its absolutely impossible for me to take a shower and not wash my hair. If Im showering b/c Im hot or I went swimming, I have to wash it. Sometimes this happens 3 times a day. I know... its a bit excessive, but hey- thats me.

Thanks for making the list, Julie. I love hearing aobut these things and it makes me remember little things about livig with you guys. I love it.

Megan Kuemmerlin said...

amanda and inger you need to get to it makin a blog. it's super easy! it's really fun and i get bored and like being nosey about other people's life! haha

hope you all are doing well!